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Wednesday 20 January 2016

How to Dealing with anxiety

How to Dealing with anxiety 

Remind yourself why you want to travel – Whenever you think about canceling your trip, picture yourself in the place you most want to visit, and tell yourself that you have to get there and see what it’s like.

Imagine yourself in that place, living the life you’ve dreamed, without any anxiety in sight. These positive affirmations will calm you down, and doing it repeatedly helps you grasp the idea that you can successfully travel the world.
 Dealing, with, anxiety

Imagine your life a year from now – What will happen if you decide to cancel your trip? It’s likely that a year from now, you’ll find yourself thinking, Damn, I had the chance to travel and I didn’t take it. It was the fear of living with regrets that forced me to take a chance and leave.

Find a community – There are a dozen forums out there for anxiety sufferers — my favorite is No More Panic — where you can post whenever you’re struggling and receive help and support from community members, as well as calming tricks to talk yourself down. Integrate yourself into a community like this before you leave, so that if anxiety does hit you when you’re on the road, you won’t feel like you’re struggling on your own.




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